Daughter said she doesn’t like me

Ugh, I’m having a hard mom week. My firstborn just turned 4. We have a great relationship. Her younger sibling is 10 months. They also have a great relationship, she loves him to pieces. My husband works a lot but is an involved parent when he’s home. Lately he’s been worn out and on his phone a lot when he’s home but he’s still a great dad. I am a SAHM and I do my best to keep the days moving with activities and getting out of the house and I do absolutely everything around this house and for my kids. My husband helps with the kids and tasks that need done in the moment but I am the keeper of the schedule and I am the default parent. My daughter tells me all day long how much she loves me. I have always put her down for bed since she’s been born and my husband randomly did bedtime a few weeks ago (don’t remember why) and since then she’s been mostly asking him to do bedtime. We tried to do more of an every other night thing and she started telling me she only wants him, she doesn’t like/love me, and brother loves me and she loves her dad. I feel like this is because she likes spending the one on one time with him since she’s with me all the time and because her brother has been extremely clingy with me lately (literally cries at my feet when I try to do anything). She still gets soo much of my attention and I’ve been making an extra effort to just be in the moment with her too lately but brother makes himself heard and it’s definitely a tough phase we’re in. I know kids just say stuff and I know she loves me but I can’t help but feel a little crushed hearing her say she doesn’t like/love me more than once now. I do everything for her and her brother and although I know my family appreciates me toddlers/babies aren’t exactly giving me a pat on the back for feeding them healthy food, keeping them clean and taken care of and filling their life with fun things. My husband has talked to her each time and she’s come out afterwards and said she does love me and she’s sorry for saying it but then she’s said it again three times. I’m just feeling really down 😞 does anyone have any advice or positive words for me? I just feel like I’m failing at everything 😭