Possible miscarriage ):

Ashley • "Even miracles takes time" -Fairy Godmother

I'll begin with saying I'm 5 days late, and planned on testing this weekend, I've been too nervous too test and get a negative.

I'm a hairstylist, on my feet all day.

From 830am this morning, til 1130am I was doing 2 colors, and a perm at the same time.

All of a sudden, I get super hot, break out on sweat, unbearable back pain, sharp pelvic pain, can feel blood coming out of me, and feel like I'm going to pass out.

I couldn't stop what I was doing, but when I was able to, I'm covered in blood, clotting and still in pain.

It's been a few hours, I'm still at work. Nauseous, still have back pain, and pelvic pain, blood is slowing down but clotting, and feel like I have a fever.

Could this be a miscarriage?? I've never experienced this