Morning after pill and birth control


So I started my period on October 5th, finished roughly around October 10/11th and saw my boyfriend on October 13th. He finished inside me by accident and so I went and got the Ellaone morning after pill and took it, I’ve also just been put on (like today) the combined birth control pill, Rigevidon which I haven’t taken as yes as I think it would be a good idea to take them in the morning. Obviously I’ve done pretty much all I can do but my mind is racing a bit and I was just wondering if anyone can reassure me or if you’ve had something similar how did it end up and what did you do? I’m still early in my cycle which is good but I’m just a bit worried and think I will be until my next period 😂 also anyone who is on the pill how is it working for you and do you feel safe from pregnancy? Xx