Opinion please


So I’m at the time in my pack where I can either just stop the pill or continue.

The pill has made me feel like crap everyday. I have the worst mood swings and I’ve gained 10kg which has taken its toll on my mental health. However my normal period is absolute hell. So painful and I bleed A LOT. I have no clue what to do.

My bf doesn’t want a kid for another couple of years but wants me back to normal and feel myself again. But I can’t use condoms because they cause me discomfort no matter what brand or lube we have. But my bf would rather risk a kid then let me continue on the pill.

I have tried the implant but I ended up bleeding 3 weeks at a time with a couple of days to a week break in between that’s why I went to the pill. Other then that the implant was amazing.

I feel so confused and lost on what I should do.

Any ideas? Opinions? Personal experience?