Calling all pros!!


I need some help!!!!

Hubby and I have been together 7 years, married for 2 months and have one child together and are TTC #2!!

Our sex life used to be fucking amazing... like 10/10... we had good sex often..

Our child is 4 years old, my husband is a nurse practitioner and works long 24 hour ER shifts, on top of owning a gun business, and he also runs the medical clinic at our local jail around 10 hours a week, and is in the Air National Guard. He is a busy and driven man... one of the many things i love about him.

I recently was able to quit taking the SSRI I was on for a couple of years and I didn't realize how much it killed my sex drive until I came off of it, and holy shit.... the beast is awake and hungry. We also coslept woth our son til about a year ago.

Those things took a majorrrrrr hit on our sex life. I feel like every time we do have sex, it's quick, and simple... but I want more than that. I need more than that sometimes. But it's been so long I feel like I don't even know how to initiate more sometimes. I want foreplay... I want handled.. I want some passion...

Has anyone been in a similar situation? What did you do or what are some good ideas to bring back that spark and spice things up. 🤔