My husband hates me 💔

I'm at a loss for words right now. I have no one to turn to as my friends and I drifted apart years ago. I literally feel so alone. My husband and I have had a rocky relationship for quite some time. We've been married 2 years and just had a beautiful baby girl. She is absolutely perfect. When it comes to the husband/father role he is great. He has always taken care of me and has supported me throughout my depression and he's a great daddy to out baby girl. Lately though we've been arguing a lot. We don't seem to communicate very well. We did therapy at one point and it helped a lot but we changed insurance so we stopped having sessions. I feel like we are back at square one. I don't know why we don't seem to understand one another. It's like we come from different planets. He thinks I'm perfect, which I know I'm not and accuses me of being a sociopath bc he thinks I'm not empathetic towards him which is ridiculous. I'm always thinking of him, everything I do is for him and our daughter. I may come off a little cold sometimes but it doesn't mean I don't love him. Every time I think we've had the worst fight ever we have another horrible fight. The other day I was holding our baby and he grabbed me by the arm bc I walked away from him while he was yelling at me. I yelled at him to let me go and he put me in a chokehold. He didn't actually choke me, I don't know why he did that... he's never hurt me physically. We talked about it and forgave each other like we always do. Well of course we had another fight. I literally have no idea what I did this time but he won't speak to me. I asked him why he's not talking to me and he said he has nothing to say to me and to leave him alone. I'm currently crying in the closet right now feeling pathetic and pitiful. I don't know how we got here. We were so madly in love and now I feel like he loathes me. I feel terrible for our baby girl. Every time we fight and I cry he tells me to go back home but that I can't take our daughter. When we got married we moved thousands of miles away to be near his family and now I have no one. I'm sad and don't know what to do. It doesn't help that I'm 5 weeks postpartum and already had depression. I'm afraid of getting postpartum depression, if I don't have it already... 😪 💔 just had to vent. Sorry for my long rant