Lost on what to do with husband


I guess I’m just looking to vent and maybe some advice. I’m 8 weeks pregnant and my emotions are all over the place and I’m really overwhelmed. My husband and I talked and we’re in a place financially where I was able to stay home before the baby comes. My job wasn’t really the safest job for someone who’s pregnant anyways. But basically I’ve been home doing all the cooking and cleaning which I did when I worked I just do a lot more now. Im feeling very lonely in my house and my relationship. My husband is in the military and we don’t know anyone at our new duty station so that doesn’t help. But what really gets me is my husband would rather play his video games with the “boys”. They are constantly and I mean constantly in communication over the group chat and then they play for hours and hours together. My husband has been off work early the last two days and has played his game with his “boys” for hours until we go to bed only giving me an hour or so of his time. Last night I made dinner and ate alone, he knows how important eating dinner together is to me but instead he left it on the counter and went to play his game and came back after I had already eaten and cleaned up the kitchen to finish his food.

I know everyone is going to tell me to talk to him but the thing is I have talked until I am blue in the face. Just a few weeks ago I told him that I was unhappy and that I’m tired of always having this dead end conversation about the obsessive gaming. I’ve had this conversation sporadically for going on a year now and I’m over it. I’m exhausted. I just want the same person I had in the beginning who cared more to spend time with me instead of being invested in the group chat or the game. During our last conversation about this he was more attentive for about a week. I told him I wouldn’t bring up the gaming anymore because it does no good but when I’m done I’m done. He even admitted to being obsessed with it in an unhealthy way. I just don’t know what to do. He’s fantastic when he isn’t on the game but I deserve more and I deserve to not feel alone in my own house.