Bf moving out.


So my bf of 4 years is probably gonna move out with his sister in maybe 4 months. Rn him and his family are renting a house and well pretty much the owner wants to sell the house forcing his family to leave. So him and his sister are thinking about moving out Together.

My bf and I always planned on moving out soon. The plan was when I completely finished school which would be on may. My bf asked how I would feel if his sister lived with us. I told him that I don’t really like the idea because I’m afraid of us butting heads and I don’t want drama in the family. I really like his sister don’t get me wrong but she can be sort of a drama queen. And I don’t wanna deal with that. Plus I also told my bf that I wouldn’t be able to put in my part of rent because I’m currently not working because I’m student teaching and I have absolutely no time for a job rn. He said he’ll take care of me until a graduate but I said no because I wouldn’t want to feel like a free loader especially if ima live with his sister.

I wouldn’t mind if he lived with his sister for the year until I finished school then I would wanna move out with him. But anyways currently my bf lives 1hour away. We made it work for 4 years but I always wanted us to live closer. And now that he has the opportunity to move closer he doesn’t want to. His sister does wanna move closer because she likes it over here but my bf doesn’t want to.

This kinda hurt me because I’m just thinking of how much easier our relationship would be if we lived closer. How much time we can spend together. How more convenient it would be for us. But he’s response is just “what’s out there for me?” And I say “well me. And u can find a job over here. U been saying u wanna quite your job. You have family literally down the street from me. And your sister wants to move over here” And he just says “well my friends live over here” and at this point I just didn’t say anything because it just hurt me because his reason is his friends. Like our relationship would be sooooo much better if he just lived closer. No more traffic, no more calculating time on how much time we got with each other before traffic hits, no more driving so far, and more importantly more time together.

I know at the end of the day I have no say but is it wrong of me to feel upset because my bf doesn’t wanna move closer to me?