New pregnancy or left over MC


Hey everyone, I had a mc on the 16th oct, I was 6w exactly according to my dr, initially my hcg levels weren’t rising but dr wasn’t concerned then had the spontaneous mc. I had an ultrasound that confirmed complete Mc and had bloods done every week to ensure my levels dropped, which was slow. Last bloods were done on the 29th oct and I had a hcg level of 15. Fast forward to yesterday, 6th nov and after 3 days of the worst breast pains, sensitive nipples, and enlargement I took a test, I used a clear blue digital with weeks indicator and it came back positive 1-2. Is this a new pregnancy or is the test that sensitive it is picking up my Mc? I’m so confused, I haven’t had a period since Mc and have heard you can be more fertile and go on to have a successful pregnancy after Mc. I’m not getting my hopes up though. We were referred to the fertility specialist and waiting to see them still as I’ve had too many Mc.