Just wanted to share my story


So..I’m 36 and have never been pregnant until this year. I have pretty severe endometriosis. I had endo related surgery in 2016 to clean it up and clear my tubes.

In March of this year I had an HSG test, which confirmed my tubes were clear. I fell pregnant in July. It was a huge surprise and both my fiancée and myself were so excited. I went in for checkup at 11 weeks and our babies heartbeat was no longer there. I had a d&c a week later. It was a very mentally challenging time and my my heart hurt so bad for my little bean.

Since then I’ve cut out alcohol, weed, caffeine and drink the recommended amount of water. I take my prenatals and eat extremely healthy. I’ve been creating positive vibes for me and my future lol one. I got my AF 4 weeks after D&C. My AF wasn’t any lighter, but for the first time in my life it was pain free and had zero clots. I also didn’t spot a few days before Af like I had for the last year. I ovulated on day 14 and am now anxiously waiting to take a pregnancy test.

I feel like my positive thoughts and hard work are setting the stage for a healthy pregnancy. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but remaining positive and pushing through has really helped me along with my faith. I was heartbroken after my loss, but also knew that there was a reason even if I didn’t understand it.

Let’s hope for a healthy nugget in the next week or so! Prayers are appreciated.