Fundal Height Measuring Ahead


For those of you who have had a baby before your current pregnancy, how common is it to measure ahead according to your fundal height on second babies? I’m 26 weeks today and measured at 29 weeks at my appointment this morning. I actually was feeling kind of small given that it was early in the morning and I wasn’t bloated yet!😂😂

My midwife wasn’t super concerned and I’m not really either, she said we will just remeasure at my next appointment and if I’m still measuring ahead we will check baby’s growth on US. Just wondering if this is more common in second pregnancies? I measured exactly on schedule with my first baby and up until now have been measuring perfectly on schedule with this one too; I guess I’m just wondering if it’s maybe my abdominal muscles being more stretched out this time or if he could truly be that much bigger than my first baby🤷🏽‍♀️ I would just chalk it up to fundal height not being accurate but it’s been so spot on up until now so who knows?