Some ppl need to chill... Venting.

I just wanted to remind everyone  to try & remain kind to 1 another no matter what ur feeling bc u never know what ppl are going through. Women can be so damn catty. I don't understand. For that reason, that's why I'm making this post anonymous... bc I don't want any extra mess I'm just trying to help. 
I saw someone post a question to see if someone had recommendations on a new car bc it was unsafe & she was just concerned & wantedto see if anyone else had experienced being a first time mom, emotional, having no money for a new car & the current car put on recall. Someone commented saying "this isn't a car forum." I'm pretty sure the girl knew that & meant no harm when she asked. If it's something you can't answer or annoyed you to see, why not just skip over it!? You can avoid drama & mess by not getting involved. Unless someone says something directed towards u just ignore them! I've seen lots of ppl get on here & ask questions advice related... Maybe they tried other places & this app was their last hope. U just never know. It's no different when u ask someone something & it's not in their area of expertise. All they have to do is say they don't know or direct someone to the direction they might take. Just please try & be nice bc lots of us are emotional or going through things & don't need the extra mess. If we can't handle the app then maybe we shouldn't be on it. I deleted my Facebook bc I couldn't handle seeing mess that annoyed me lol. Sad but true. & instead of sparking up mess, I just got rid of the darn thing & now it doesn't affect me! Ignore things that u wish not to see bc we're adults. We don't need someone getting on here to start an argument when many of us are dealing with bigger problems... 
Sorry for the rant I just believe in supporting ppl when u can not trying to find a way to meddle or pick an argument. Never know, the questions that aren't pregnancy related maybe just teach someone something new & just was a courtesy of helping another person. Not everything is meant out of harm & that goes for lots of things. Lots of things annoy me but that's life. I wouldn't get on a post being rude. I'd either avoid commenting or say I wasn't sure & suggest that they might consider going some other direction & offer up what I think that direction might be :) Many of us are here for the same reasons & if we wanted the extra judgmental drama & arguments, we really could've gone to regular social media (i.e fb, insta, snapchat, etc) So let's please not turn this into that. We should be able to remain calm and collected like adults. Let's leave the high school mess for social media. We're all soon to be moms/moms, ttc, etc etc! !