Anyone have experience delivering with back injuries?

My NP is adamant about my doing another C, but I was really hoping to attempt a VBAC. Just when I thought I'd made my decision to at least try, she found out about my back injury and everything she said has me right back to where I started.
Has anyone delivered vaginally with a back injury? 
Some background - I have 2 herniated/bulging disks in my spine and sciatica. The injury occurred when I was 15 (14 years ago), and since then I get by day to day without any meds. Only aches every once in a while, but I did aggrivate it twice, a year ago from dance. The first time it was doing leaps and the second was from doing 3 hrs straight if tap. Both times, it was so bad that I couldn't walk to the bathroom. I was bedridden for a month. Basically, I've learned I can't do any jumping. Nothing with impact.
Since my first was a pre scheduled C, I have no background on how labor will feel. I don't know how my body will handle it, but I'm 23 weeks now and definitely feeling the pressure in my back and hips. Lots of sharp pains. I should also note that I'm not in great shape so my core isn't very strong.
Anyone here have back injuries (maybe similar to mind) and still delivered vaginally? How did your back feel during and after? My biggest concern is throwing out my back during labor and being bedridden again afterwards. I can't afford to be out of commission with a newborn and a toddler. I'd love to hear your experiences!