Fiance‘s Past Relationship

7.5 years ago my fiance had a long distance relationship/romance with a girl from another country for a few months. He went to visit her and her family and she came over to visit him, but she told him she doesn’t love him anymore so broke it off. We met 1.5 years later.

I got to read some of his saved notes they had sent each other emails from, after she broke it off and were in touch a couple months after it. In these emails he poured his heart out to her, that she should reconsider, he’s fighting for her because he loves her so much and saw a future. He even told her, he had started going to therapy and is seeing things from a different and the scary part, he had suicidal thoughts but could never act on them but his learning a lot. She contacted him 2 months after that and he said he doesn’t want to be in touch with her anymore.

Now, the contrast to our relationship. I know that somehow his past relationship has changed him. He loves me and I know that but he’s got a temper when we’ve had arguments, he’d go to extremes. He’d say he’s going to pack his bags or I will and end this relationship. But neither of us went anywhere, he’s admitted to saying that by being defensive and to stop the argument. He stopped doing that. Until recently he said our wedding is off and he’s leaving.

I feel like he’s not willing to fight for us as much as the ex! He’s never talked to me about his deep feelings, he has never told me he’s gone to therapy, he had only said he was in a bad place.

I know it’s horrible for me to compare our 6 year relationship with a 4 months romance.

Sometimes I think I’m keeping this relationship together when he’s got the angry impulse to run!

Am I wrong for doing this?!