Could my body be preparing for labor soon?


I am 36 weeks and measuring 2 days ahead and baby is head down!

The past several days at night, right when I feel myself getting sleepy, I feel like my baby is pushing his head down further into my cervix and it takes my breath away and I usually grunt. It hurts SO BAD. It will last on and off maybe 10 minutes but then subside and then I’ll get what feels like period cramps. Sometimes later in the night, I’ll get what feel like period cramps on and off but I usually just fall right back asleep.

I’m a lot more tired than normal but I’m still in nesting mode. Im constantly drinking water to stay hydrated since it’s still warm here in Texas so I know it’s not dehydration.

I also keep having dreams of labor and holding my boy for the first time. I had a dream last night that I was breastfeeding and when I woke up, my nipples were so freaking sore and my whole breasts hurt.

Could this be that baby is coming soon?

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