Can we please talk about how toxic the death industry is

Obviously this is going to be mentioning death and dead bodies and what happens after death so TW

This is random but it really bothers me. Okay so when we die, the mass majority of us go to the morgue. we get drained of our blood, and they refill us with a chemical called formaldehyde so we can be preserved.

Then we are put in a box, and buried in the ground. The body still decays, and that shit seeps through the caskets and into the ground. Those very large cemeteries that have been around a long time, that ground is literally toxic. It's cancerous. How many years has this form of body preservation been used? In the US, the early 1900s

In other places, the 1800s

That is horrible. Like we are organic matter, and when we die we should naturally decay into the earth. A body decaying in the ground naturally is actually GOOD for the earth.

We spend our whole lives trashing the planet and then when it's our time we fill ourselves with chemicals and poison the earth around us.

Cremation. Okay, so maybe that sounds better.

Until you read this

"The process of corpse cremation generates numerous harmful air pollutants, including particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and heavy metals. These pollutants could have severe effects on the surrounding environment and human health.Aug 28, 2020"


Why does NOBODY talk about this. I understand, that death is hard. I just lost someone last year and she was terminal and planned her death and this is when I started researching.

I get that, we want to spend as much time seeing our loved ones in an open casket. We want to remember them when they've been worked on to look okay. And I feel like that's okay.

What we don't know is that there is literally no law that exists that says we have a certain time frame that we can spend with our loved ones body. When she died, hospice was there, my family was there. She chose a no open casket.

So my whole family took turns sitting and visiting her paying our respects for about 2 hours until we were ready, and NOBODY legally had the right to tell us we couldn't and we stuck to that. They took her when we said they could.

I also feel like society has such a broken relationship with death, when death is the most normal thing human beings can do, other than being born of course. I just wish... more people would talk about this.

I have literally a will written that I'm not even going in a box. I'm buying land and getting buried buck ass naked in no box, and I want a tree planted on top of me. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, so instead of my body going into the earth filled with chemicals, I want to be food for a tree. I'm gonna be a damn Tree one day and i will HAUNT THE SHIT out of people if I don't end up as a tree. My loved ones already know. And yep, all of that is legal. Like nobody can stop me from burying my butt naked ass in the ground, on my own land by the people I chose to do it for me. Nobody can dig up my grave either. It will be marked as a grave site.

Sorry for my weird ass rant

Oh and to add, I'm not shaming ANYONE for any of this. We aren't TOLD any of this because they make money off of it. The death industry is money hungry.

I forgot to add this