Is this positive? So confused!


So I got a fairly dark ovulation test this morning, took another 4hrs later and I can't tell if it's positive. I ended up taking 3 because the first one looked like it had dye bleed when the 5 minutes was up so I wasn't sure it was valid, took one of a different brand and it was extremely negative. got even more confused and took a 3rd one from the original brand and its about the same color as the first one but still had the dye bleed at the 5 minute mark, it cleared up around 8 minutes but that's after the time frame that I was supposed to look at it? Please help 🤣

(All taken with the same cup of pee)

These are the 3 tests. The middle test is the first one I took (this was after it cleared up) the top is the other brand I used just to check, and the bottom one is within the 5 minutes to show the dye bleed (this one was significantly less than the other one but still the dye wasn't settled) also, the <a href="">glow app</a> says the middle one is positive but I took the picture after the time frame

Last picture is my line progression. I do not know what cycle day I'm on because this is my first cycle after getting my iud out and we are just trying to figure out where my body is at. The bottom 2 are the ones I just took so keep in mind they are still wet