
Hello everyone I’m having some issues with a decision I made. To begin I had to work my shift in the afternoon but usually work overtime (trying to get a house) before my shift. My wife calls me and tells me I should be home so we can be on a conference call with her co worker for a business opportunity. I say sure just make sure she knows we are calling even though she said call anytime. Since I wasn’t going to work early I opted to go see a house as well. On the way home we decided we would call the lady for the business opportunity to get more details. My wife calls she doesn’t pick up she sends her a message. The lady responds she won’t be available until after I start my shift. At this point I will not lie I am upset. I’m telling her this is why I wanted you to be sure the night before so I wouldn’t have lost the opportunity to work overtime. My tone changed. She didn’t like that and told me to pack my shit and go work overtime. I felt that was extremely disrespectful. In the end she apologized over text because we had company at home. I didn’t think that was fair because if she had the ability to say that in the car she could have actually said it as well or done more to show me she was sorry and I told her if I had just missed over time the apology would have been ok but then she said what she said and I felt that more needed to be done. Am I wrong for that ?