Haven't had a good orgasm in MONTHS

Jillian • 💋💞🤍💗🌼🌻💛🌹🌷

I believe im struggling with what is called "Anorgasmia" i guess....and cannot orgasm no matter how hard I try. Its caused so much drama between me, him, and our sex life and our relationship. We tried a vibrator and omfg that hurt SOOOOOOOO bad. After I said no more, my whole genitals was vibrating bad, and made me itch like crazyyyy and never used again. Most vibrators are WAY too strong for me. Penetration sex is boring and hurts anymore. Tried lube. Tried vibrators. Tried this and that, and its to the point I'm just frustrated with it all, & sex doesn't even interest me now. And for our relationship, lord only knows 😏 idk what else to try or if I even want to keep trying for that matter