Period? Implantation?

I need opinions so I’m pretty regular normally a 28 day cycle. I’ve been using the clearblue advance to track ovulation, I got my peak on the 10th (CD12), bd the next day. Starting having cramps from 1 DPO until 10 DPO (CD 14-23)which this day is when I started experiencing SEVERE pain in my middle pelvic area, I was literally in tears. It only lasted a few hours. The next day DPO 11 (CD 24) 4 days until Af I started having light pink spotting which is abnormal for me and this went on for 4 days, changing from pink spotting, to brown spotting to nothing. It also only happened when I wiped a few times nothing in the toilet, nothing on a pad. I never had cramps with the spotting only a tightening, bloating feeling in lower belly. My lower abdomen was also sore as if I had done a bunch of crunches. The tightening got pretty bad at 13 DPO (CD 26) Af due in 2 days but I started heavy red bleeding the next day. At one point I sat on the toilet and blood poured out. Then it lightens up to where there is hardly anything when I wipe. Having really bad abdominal pain, Tylenol hasn’t helped. Warmness in lower abdomen. Has anyone experienced anything like this before?