Our story

We're both over the moon about being pregnant. I've really wanted to post our story since we found out, but to be honest I was scared if jinx us if we did. Now we're 13w5d I feel it's a safe time now. 
​Our story isn't as long or as full of heartache as others, but some days reading positive stories helped me. Although other days it was the last thing I wanted. 
​Anyway, we started trying in Jan 2012. The first 12 months I tracked my period and we had regular sex. We thought it would happen eventually. At the end of the first 12 months I started to get a lot of pain 24/7 and was diagnosed with endo. By June 2013 I had my first lap, D&C, and endo removal. I was diagnosed with adenomyosis (endo in the walls of the uterus). We were told to try for another 6 months and come back if we weren't preg by then. Jan 2014 we went to a different dr that specialized in endo and was and <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> dr - the first dr was an arrogant jerk! We had a few more tests. It was found I had very low progesterone and my BF had issues with his sperm (low numbers mostly). I had a second lap in May 2014, no endo was found but I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries. We were told <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> was our only option and started meds 2 days after the lap.  
​So the 6 ish weeks of meds and 12 days of injections got me ready for egg collection and transfer. In the end we got 5 fertilized egg that were 3day embryos. We had 1 transferred and 4 frozen.
​I was so convinced that it had worked but was too scared to tell my BF or get my hopes up in case I was wrong. Thankfully I wasn't!! The <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> nurse left the results of the beta test on a voice mail like I asked and after having that msg on my phone for 5 hours we got the news we were waiting for. 
​We never did a hpt and saw those lines so I feel a little like we missed a step. Next time I'll do that test. 
​For us everything worked but not well, we just needed help to get there. I ovulated, just poorly. All of that despite having a pretty regular cycle. We did get there in the end. Some days I was sure it wouldn't happen and some days I did nothing but cry wanting something that seemed so unlikely, the idea of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> was horrible as all I could think was 'this is a last resort option and if this doesn't work we have nothing left to try'. But our dr assured us that our issues weren't the end of the world and there were lots that could be done. 
​The only advice I have is get a second opinion if you're not happy with the opinion you've been given!! We saw 3 drs, and I hated the first 2 and loved the 3rd. If it wasn't for my persistence in terms of not being prepared to wait longer or see someone that wasn't willing to give me basic respect and a direct answer, then I'm sure we'd still be ttc! 
​Good luck xx