Going back to work or staying home


So, I’ve been home on maternity leave with my LO who will be 3 months next Thursday. I was planning on going back to work throughout my entire pregnancy and all of my leave until the last two weeks or so (husband also wants me to stay home with the baby.)

I go back to work on Monday and am debating on putting in my notice, when I talked to my boss about maternity leave I told him I would like to have 12 weeks off and I will come back after leave (little did I know once baby come I would quickly change my mind.)

We live pretty far from town, the dental office is the only office around for 30+ minutes so finding a replacement is going to be hard. I’m stressing out because I feel like I should have made this decision before taking 12 weeks so he would have had time to find a replacement. We have photographers coming to the office Tuesday to update our employee photos and our Christmas party is Friday and it’s making me extremely stressed about talking to him! I would like for my husband and I to be able to still see him as patients even when I leave. What do I do and how do I go about telling me without leaving on a bad note?!