Early Labour?

For the passed couple days I've been experiencing cramping and period type pains, sometimes they're on/off in a pattern, but no actual tightening or contractions, just a sore feeling pain very low where I imagine my cervix is and it goes towards my back.

Today I woken up feeling extra sore with every movement baby makes and sharp shooting pains that take my breath away, then I was extremely hungry but could only eat a couple bites of my breakfast till I felt very nauseous and light headed, now I have diarrhea.

The nausea and diarrhea isn't normal for me, I haven't experienced it at all during this whole pregnancy, I've had no pregnancy symptoms at all.

I'm 38 weeks and have an elective c section booked for the 6th (no medical reason for it so not that worried if I go into labour), I still have no actual contractions, just the pain I mentioned above. Does this sound like early Labour starting? 😅