Discouraged… anyone else feel the same?


I am excited for my new pregnancy and want to start looking at names and that kind of thing, but I feel so discouraged by everyone acting like I can’t be happy until 12 weeks. I am only 5 weeks pregnant, I found out at 3 weeks (technically 2 weeks, 6 days after first day of last period), so I’ve had time to get excited. My husband doesn’t want to look at names yet, certain family members say I shouldn’t have told them yet, my new OB office won’t see me until 11 weeks (last time a different saw me at 8 and I know some people go at 6). It just is so discouraging that people act like my pregnancy isn’t valid until I’ve passed a certain point and proven that my baby is going to make it. Does anyone else get frustrated by this or am I being hormonal?