maria • Angel mama of 2-🤍👼🏼👼🏼🌈 22 -TTC

I implanted at 9dpo I had vary light spotting I got a positive at 9dpo and 10 dpo but the line is still vary faint does implanting late cause low HCG even tho I’m 10dpo??

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These are average HCG levels of an implant at 7 DPO, so if you truly implanted at 9 DPO (unlikely as you got a positive that day) then your levels would be around 7. An independent evaluation of FRER showed results at 6.3 miu/mL so you’d show on that but barely. If you’re using any other test it’s more likely to pick up at the 22 miu/mL range (per the same independent analysis) so you wouldn’t likely show on those until 11/12 DPO. I can send a link to the study if you’re interested!


Posted at
There is no way of knowing if the spotting was actually implantation bleeding! How did you confirm ovulation? If it was implantation bleeding it can take up to 48 hrs for a faint line to appear it takes up to 48 hours to double hcg levels


Amanda • Nov 27, 2021
OPKs test for LH surge which doesn’t necessarily mean you ovulated. But assuming you’re healthy they’re great for tracking. Either way, you’re pregnant! I’d relax about the HCG levels on the tests and make a doctors appointment. Wishing you a happy, healthy pregnancy! ✨✨✨


LK 👼🌈💙 • Nov 27, 2021
Opks don’t confirm ovulation they only detect your lh peak not confirm ovulation. Test in 48 hours and your test should be darker by the 🤞


maria • Nov 27, 2021
I confirmed Ovulation with an OPK I for sure implanted I know for a fact that I am pregnant I just couldn’t figure out why my test lines are not getting darker


Posted at
10 DPO is still early to get a positive, so that’s why your tests are lighter