How much should I feed my 6 week old baby!?


My pediatrician said we shouldn’t feed more than 100ml (just over 3oz) every 3 hours. Im finding that she doesnt make it to 2hours before shes hungry again…and tonight she was showing she was so hungry I just had to feed her!!!

Whats the ideal amount and is there such thing as too much? Thanks mamas


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Posted at
I feed mine 4oz every 3 hours


Posted at
My guy is just shy of 6 weeks, but he generally eats 4oz every 3 hours. Occasionally he has wanted 5 or 6 usually the feed before bedtime at 7ish. He's also a chunk and was 8lbs 12 oz at birth and is already over 12 lbs


Posted at
I feed my daughter 4oz-5oz 3 hourly from 6 weeks old she now 9 weeks old still on same bu wasnt that big born only 7bs6oz.. so if thetr hungry can keep it down feed them hun x


Posted at
I went up to 4oz and shes feeding every 3 hours sometimes 4…I think she may be getting too chunky and has smelly farts!! Ill see pediatrician tomorrow, lets see what he says 😬


Cassie • Dec 13, 2021
No such thing as too chunky! And I'm with you in the farts. My goodness worse than my older boys. Lol