Lots of anxiety right now.

Darian • Growing my rainbow 🌈 also if you’re here to start drama with me, let’s not.

I’ll be 17 weeks tomorrow and I thought I was over all of this pregnancy anxiety and worrying over every little thing but it’s hitting me again tonight. I’m having some cramping that doesn’t hurt but it’s uncomfortable and my mind immediately sprung to the worst thoughts. Obviously cramping is normal and I know this, baby girl is still moving around and I can feel exactly where she’s at… but I just can’t get the fear out of my mind that I’m going to lose her.

I know people have been in this situation too with worrying like crazy, does this ever stop? I’m worried that my stress and anxiety is going to her and she’s feeling all of it but I can’t stop my brain.

I just need some reassurance that this will all get better.