

Hey ladies šŸ‘‹ havenā€™t been here in quite some time. Iā€™ve just got married October 16th so Iā€™m a newly wed! Although it doesnā€™t feel that way šŸ˜’ my husband and I have been trying to conceive for well over a year now and I really have no clue why. Weā€™re both still young well young enough 28/29, we have a six year old in first grade (sheā€™s not his) but pretty much so thatā€™s irrelevant I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m worried that since Iā€™ve gotten just a bit older and havenā€™t been trying for many years I decided to wait until I knew we were going to get married so now itā€™s been nearly 7 years since being pregnant maybe my bodyā€™s just not used to being that way anymore? Idek what to say other than Iā€™m completely distraught and Iā€™m so afraid I wonā€™t be able to give my husband a biological child of his own šŸ˜¢ it makes me sad to think about. My doctors have tried testing me for endometriosis but itā€™s super hard to do that unless we turn to surgery which is not something Iā€™d prefer. Any thoughts?