31 weeks nooo energy!!

I don’t know what the deal is. But maybe someone can help.

I caught Covid mid November, got better (vaccinated) in maybe 2 days. (2.5 weeks ago?) Then caught a normal cold about a week later, took like a week to not feel sick anymore. Now, I’m not sick, no Covid, just 31 weeks pregnant. I FEEL LIKE SH@!:!!

I work from home, and have a toddler who goes to child care all day. I can’t summon the energy to do ANYTHING. I just want to lie down alll day.

Caffeine doesn’t seem to help really. Still drinking water as much as I can (running to the bathroom ever my 20 Min) I haven’t been working out (😔)

Anyone else have a similar experience at 31 weeks? Any suggestions for energy please let me know.