TTC..AF due 12/ 18, 19 or 20?

Hi! The reason I put 3 days is because AF is never on time, my cycles are 35 days on average and last 6-7 days.. So typically I start getting PMS symptoms anywhere from the middle of my fertile week, to 2 days after it ends and they stay until AF comes. My biggest symptom is ALWAYS by boobs, (I have really big boobs) they start hurting around 10 days before my period, and I get cramping a week before (like I have to poop really bad even when I don't) this month.. Nothing. I've had some mild cramping, constipation, and nausea but other then that nothing, oh and terrible acid reflux (which I get from anything so that doesn't surprise me) but AF is supposed to show her face in 4-5 days and I don't feel like it's coming AT ALL. Baby dust to meee. ): and of course baby dust to everyone!!