Gender Reveal - what would you do ?


So today I had my 4 month appointment. My son had to come with me because his school closed. He has a ponytail and people all the time mistake him for a girl. I had the 12 week blood work done but I let them know that I didn’t want to know. When the doctor came in his first words were “is she your first?”. I told him no this baby is my second but was that the gender ? I didn’t want to know the gender but did you just slip up ? he continued to say he didn’t check yet and that he didn’t say girl ? I said yeah you did ? did you think my son was a girl ? then he went silent.

So now I’m thinking if I should have my gender reveal ? Did the doctor slip up ? aren’t you supposed to look at my chart before you come in so how didn’t you look at it ? wouldn’t you also know this isn’t my first pregnancy so was he maybe really talking about my son thinking he’s a girl ?

I’m just overwhelmed and don’t want to make a permanent decision off of temporary feelings. I was really looking forward to my reveal. but now Idk