So I’m in bed rest

I’m not supposed to be lifting, sitting in a regular chair, cooking, cleaning. All that stuff. I got out of the hospital on Tuesday after being there since Sunday for preterm labor. I’m 28 weeks. My husband owns a business and I know he can’t just stop running the business. But I have my follow up dr appt tomorrow to see if I still need to be on this strict bed rest. I have a two year old daughter who’s about 30 pounds that I have to lift out of her crib. My husband went to work at her nap time around 1 and it’s now 7:15 and he’s just now on his way home. He called me and told me he’s on his way and I had texted him prior to let him know I’m having contractions again because I think I’m doing too much. And he’s like “well what are you doing” and I said I went outside with my daughter and was sitting back there with her while she played. And he says “all you had to do was lift her out of her crib and place her on the ground” I can’t just make her sit with me all day, she doesn’t understand that mommy can’t do a whole lot right now. So I went outside and sat with her. And he’s like “well she’s gonna have to deal with it too” like she doesn’t understand.

Am I being too sensitive? Let me know.