Can’t catch a break😩😔

M • Boy mama x4 💙💙💙💙, Expecting #5🩵

I feel like just curling up in a ball and crying! We’ve only been healthy for about 2 weeks from the 2-3 weeks of fighting off adenovirus in our household that caused a nasty double ear infection in my youngest. 3 days ago he started feeling warm, low grade fever 99.1-100.6, nothing too alarming, but he was shivering even that low. The whole time he was 101-103 with the ear infection he never shook and chattered his teeth. Today he got up to 101.7 and I said enough is enough, maybe his ears are still not clear. I take him to express care tonight, he tests positive for flu B. When is this sweet baby going to catch a break?! He’s miserable and the poor sweetie got his flu shot in October😔😔. Worst of all, tomorrow is his bday and we had to cancel his family dinner😩