So upset

I’ll be 23 weeks pregnant tomorrow… and Christmas is right around the corner I was so excited and tonight … Im just ready for it to be over .. I get called greedy and selfish .. so on my fiancé my step daughter and mine and my fiancés 2 year old plus the baby on the way , I spent over 3000 to make sure everyone has a good Christmas and the only thing I order me is a $18 dollar pregnancy pillow .. which I got a discount on cause it came from and I work at Walmart … and we have discount cards so in reality I spent maybe $15 on me … my fiancé was talking about wanting to get me something for Christmas and I told him no the pregnancy pillow is enough.. and he keeps saying he wants to get me something for Christmas… but he was gonna have an extra $200 from his check … after we split the bills… but he spent $100 on weed to night .. (he smokes outside in his shed/workshop) not in or around the house … then get mad when I said babe you won’t be able to afford anything now … it’s fine really you don’t have to get me anything .. everyone is gonna have a good Christmas and we have everything We need for the baby .. I don’t need anything else .. and he said I’m being a greedy bitch?? I don’t get it I go out of my way to make everyone happy … but I’m okay with a 15 pregnancy pillow and tell him it’s okay he can’t afford to get me anything and I’m greedy 😭😭 I’m just so ready for Christmas to be over (not for the fact I’m not getting anything else ) but because I’m getting called names for telling him I understand he can’t afford to get me anything .. I’m not gonna tell him he can’t spend money on weed or what he wants when he pays half the bills that was taken care of first .. all I said was he doesn’t have to get me anything … good night all 😭😭 sorry for the ranting that don’t make sense probably..

Edit: And he is saying I’m being ungreatful now cause I won’t tell him how much I spent on him , and what I got him for Christmas … I spent $300 on an oculus cause he really wanted one I spent $60 on the Metroid dread game for his switch … I spent $40

On the resident evil triple pack for the switch … I spent $35 for dying light for the switch .. I got him plants vs zombies which was $20 … I got him the 23 marvel movie collection which was close to $50 & a kick boxing bag that was $30 .. but he got mad cause I won’t tell him what I got and says I’m a dumb bitch cause everytime he asks if I got him the oculus (what he really wants for Christmas) I say no cause I wanted it to be a surprise .. it’s like I can’t do shit right … it never ends