First time mom needing some help with what I would need for birth plan and after care as I am doing it on my own??? Help


Hey, just wanting some help and advice on what should be included in my birth plan, what exercises or massages helped make your birth go a bit more smooth without outside help, what should I have ready to take with me to the hospital for baby and me, and what should I have for after care at home and what would make it easier for someone who is having to do this alone?? Trying to stay calm about it, but I am naturally a little worried and my way of fighting that is being prepared physically and mentally as much as I can. I'll give some background about me... I am at 34 weeks as of now at midnight so 6 weeks to get everything ready for my son's arrival (!!!!) I wasn't trying to be irresponsible and leave everything until last minute, I just got on maternity leave and my job was working away from home for long rotations at a time, plus also I take care of my 2 nephews and neice who are from 6 to 2 in age, so I never really got to enjoy my first pregnancy or rest even..I don't have any outside support and to be honest I honestly thought I couldn't get pregnant!! I'm about to turn 31 in two weeks as well. Also I have a phobia of needles so I'd like to keep my birth as hands off as possible and definitely no epidural for me (you may say I'll change my answer once I'm in labour but you don't know how bad my phobia is) I just want some tips and advice on how to make sure I am prepared to have this baby in all areas, from before delivery, delivery, and home for the fist month.