My baby boy


This pregnancy has been difficult from start to finish at 12-16 weeks I was bleeding to where big blood clots were coming out I went to the hospital 1 night and a Huge blood clot passed (Thinking it was my baby) I told the nurse like honestly I’m just tired of bleeding and if my baby passed just let me know they did a ultrasound well he didn’t …. I start

Going to a specialist Doctor every month until I was 30weeks well he was just a low egg sooo everything was fine I stopped bleeding around 20 weeks or so ! Come my Due date this Tuesday Dec 7,2021 I was getting induced and my baby heart rate start dropping !!! I knew to NOT panic well the cord was around his neck this was my 4th pregnancy 1st Emergency C-Section so I was nerves but I knew to be calm so my baby could survive I told my Doctor to do what he had to do my baby can survive I’m so blessed my baby boy is FINALLY HERE THROUGH ALL THOSE TRAILS HE NEVER GAVE UP my baby boy SAMAR HAS ARRIVED 🥰🥰 I’m very much In love