Baby brain, it's real! Have you experienced it??

Morgan ✌🏼️❄️ • 28, married to a wonderful husband, expecting our 2nd!
This baby brain is driving me nuts! The other day I was getting into my car, but couldn't get my key to work, sitting there frustrated, I started to look around, I realized the dash was different, the interior was tan, mines black, and there were cigars everywhere, I was in the wrong car! The only similarity between the two vehicles, was that they were both VW! I felt so stupid, I grabbed my bags and jumped out, my car was still another block up! That was by far the worst so far, aside from forgetting my husband of 7 years name, on multiple occasions lol. Ugh, it's so silly, I never would have believed it if I hadn't experienced it! Mommas, have you experienced this? What's your favorite story?! I would love to hear ☺️✌🏼️