Custody type battle TW mention of child s.abuse

Kristen • Jasmine 💕 30.10.20 👶🏻🌎♥️

So my ex was arrested back in June for an inappropriate video of himself with my daughter who was 7mo at the time. He was pushing her onto his lap and got aroused from it and kept doing it until fully aroused. There are other sexually suggestive videos and others that indicate physical abuse. (Those haven’t been looked at)

He was released and the case dropped due to not enough evidence

My social worker agrees the video was intentional and even has told my ex this during a CIN meeting they go on probability rather than beyond all reasonable doubt. Her recommendation is that she agrees with me giving no contact as I am acting protectively.

My ex has not bothered asking how my daughter is. The social worker said he asked how she was once in 4 months towards the almost 4 month mark and only asked to see her once. He doesn’t ask me how she is but then states in email that he’s taking me to court for access I find it complete bizarre. He’s never had a bond with her or ever made the effort with her, he pays no maintenance or has helped with her welfare. He is happy to send manipulative emails to try get me to do what he wants but just doesn’t bother asking about her.

I am only wanting him to have indirect contact at most so letters and cards etc for them to be stored for her so at a social workers when she is older (now 13 months) if she asks and wants to see them.

I feel supervised contact would be harmful for her mental health and she shouldn’t have to know about what’s happened and the reasons why, she is blissfully unaware and I feel that’s the best way until she is of an age of understanding herself and then will be old enough to make that decision herself as that’s her right.

Has anyone been through this? What are the chances that he will only get indirect contact at the most?

I just need some positivity please, I just want my daughter to be safe and happy!