8 month old bedtime


My baby goes to sleep around 7:50-8:45pm each night and is up by 5:30am-6am. Is that normal? I see most other moms putting their kids down at 6-7pm. She is also up a lot at night.

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Posted at
I want to know what you ladies are doing to have your baby sleep through the night? 🥴


Kristine • Dec 30, 2021
Omg yes! My son still wakes twice a night wanting a bottle!


Sh • Dec 25, 2021
Me too! 😂😂


Posted at
I read that 5:30-7:30 is a normal bedtime for kids this age. I cannot imagine 5:30 but we do around 7:30. I haven’t really found much difference in his wake time if we adjust bedtime so we just keep with that.


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Normal is what works best for you. My almost 3 year old goes to bed between 7:30-8 and my 8 month old goes to bed around the same time. Both wake up around 7am. I don’t put them to bed earlier because I work and like to try and spend more time with them but it’s different for everyone. I have found my kids wake up at the same time regardless if I put them to bed at 6:30pm or 10pm.


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My boy goes to bed around 7/730 and is up at 5am no matter what i do. Also up 2/3 times a night.


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My son goes to bed at 7-7:30pm. I read multiple books and all recommended 6:30-8pm. Maybe try to put your baby to bed 5-10 minutes earlier every night. It’s very important for them to have 10-12 hours sleep at night.


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My baby sleeps 12-13 hours of sleep at night. So he's down by 8:30pm and wakes up around 10 🤪 I get good sleep. My first was like this though.


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Our daughter’s schedule is about the same! We put her to bed between 7:30-8pm and she wakes up between 7-8am. It’s what works for our schedule with our older child.


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Every baby is different. My boy goes to bed at 6:30/7:30 (depending on when he wakes from his last nap), has a dream feed at 9:30/10 and then I wake him up in the morning at 7:30/7:45.


Rebeka • Dec 15, 2021
I should mention he had never been an early riser, when he was little I would put him to bed at 9:30 at night and I’d have to wake him 9:30/10 the next day. Once I moved him bedtime earlier at 4 months he has always slept until 7:30/8. He just likes sleep 🤪


Posted at
Oh I wish my baby had your baby schedule mine sleeps at 10-11 and wake at 6