Am I wrong?


35weeks 3days

I'm starting to mentally go through it.. it's starting to become a lot and I dont know if I'm over exaggerating or over sensitive or if it's okay to feel this way.

I honestly feel so alone in all types of ways. I really don't have any friends, the friends I do have live far. I mean I get it everyone has their own lives and are busy and stuff I get it but damn how do I deal. The people who I made "godparents" are my cousin and her husband. She's not really there and if I try to talk to her or message her, she always seems like im bothering her or she doesn't even want to be bothered. My mom, I can't really vent to cuz she sits there silent and doesn't even seem to pay attention. Then when I ask if she's listening she says yeah and doesn't say anything. My boyfriend is barely there now cuz he works 6 days a week almost 10-11 hours a day and by the time he gets home he just goes on his game and tries to relax. I mean I totally get it. But now we barely talk or see each other and I'm just doing everything by myself. When I call him, he just says yeah? Or what? And I cant really talk to him cuz I feel like im such a bother so I hang up. He's always stressed with work and home life and sometimes his bm, he just takes it all out on me and constantly yells at me or keeps me on seen. I get it he works so much cuz hes making the money for the 3 of us and then the child support for his daughter but its like how do I deal. I feel so selfish that I ask him for help and want attention and him to be there but idk. No one really checks up on me as these last few weeks are hard for me. I feel so alone and physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. I just dont know what to do anymore .