Blighted ovum or too soon?


Opinions please!! I am currently riding an emotional rollercoaster, so not sure if I am reading too much into something or not.

Last week I went to the ER for some light spotting & cramping while I thought I was around 5-6 weeks pregnant. They did an ultrasound & did not find a gestational sac, my HCG was 1900.

Two days later HCG was 3052.

Yesterday (6-7wks) there was a gestational sac, but nothing inside - no yolk, no fetal pole..nothing 😢 HCG almost 15,000.

This has ruled out an ectopic (they’re not seeing anything in my tubes)..doc is leaning towards blighted ovum but also scheduled me for another ultrasound next week to be sure I’m not just way earlier than we thought. But she says at this point we should see more in the sac, and HCG is not rising as quickly as she’d like.

The wait is killing me, and of course in the meantime I’m trying to hold onto any shred of hope that I can find. Is it a good sign that a week after there being NOTHING in the uterus, they were able to find a sac..even though it was empty? & that next week a yolk and fetal pole will be developed? Or am I just driving myself crazy & should start accepting there’s no baby?

I am feeling scared, angry and unbelievably heartbroken. We have been trying for 6 years for a baby, doctors didn’t think we would be able to get pregnant without <a href="">IVF</a>. I was calling this pregnancy my “Christmas Miracle” 😭💔

What do y’all think- blighted ovum or just too early? If I was too early that puts me like, 2 weeks behind which doesn’t seem possible…but it’s the only hope I have left.