I recently went from SAHM to working mom.


Soo I'm just here struggling with my decision. I went back to work November 1st after being a stay at home mom for the last 3yrs. I'm stuggling with the mom guilt the house. I'm so exhausted! Iv lost alot of weight in a short time which is bad because I stuggle with an eating disorder. My 3year old was almost potty trained and sleeping by herself and that all went out the window. I hit the ground running at 5:30 am and am dead asleep by 9pm. My youngest also hates going to the sitters. My oldest is in school. I aprt of me wants to throw in the towel and just not show up. Or put in my two weeks notice after the first of the year. It's not that I dont want to work or dont like the pay check to help pay the Bill's. I actually miss being a sahm☹