I hate my fiancé


I can’t stand being around my fiancé anymore. We consistently argue. He blames me for everything. Takes no responsibility for his actions. Has physically hurt me and broken many things in our apartment due to his anger issues. I just can’t stand it. He now does this thing where anytime I respond back to his negativity with negativity he takes things away from me that he dems are “his”. Like the bed, pillow, my literal gpu from my pc that he gave me two years ago. Then says I will get them back when I’m done being a bitch. Anytime I try to get them back he will push me away and say they aren’t mine. Even though we live together and I literally pay for all his things. I know it’s his way of taking control of the situation but I can’t stand him. The problem is I have no family or place I can go if I try to leave him. He literally told me last week if I keep “causing arguments one day he will kill me” because he won’t be able to control his anger. It’s so toxic and idk what to do. I’m broke have no job and stuck with a vile person who controls everything aspect in my life. Down to where I sleep if I piss him off.