Start of my journey :)


Hello everyone! I’ve been struggling with my mental health for a long time, and my weight has played into a huge part of this. I go into depressive pits where I hardly get out of bed and just binge eat. I’ve gained a lot of weight since this started years ago. I’m about 217, I’m 16 and 5”5. I’m very self conscious, but I want to be healthy and better myself and feel confident. I don’t want to rush the loss though, I used to go too hard and burnout. But this time I’m okay with going slow, so I’m going to start by small changes in diet and adding in exercise at least twice a week. And maybe some yoga too, I will gradually do more, but this is best for my mental health. I love veggies, and salads so I’m fine with eating healthy, craving for sweets are just hard. And bored/binge eating. I’ve been doing more hobbies and things I loved lately and I’ve felt my happiness increase, eating healthy and exercising has always made an insane impact on my mental health and I really need it. So, with that being said please wish me luck. And if you guys have any tips or tricks or anything please feel free to comment them down below. Also I love to cook and bake, so if you have any low card or even keto recipes I’d love to try them! 🧡 I want to cook the fam some healthy meals, obesity seems to run in my family from my dads side, all of his family including himself are overweight. They are all actively bettering themselves. But my dad isn’t and I worry for his health as he is 42 and somewhere around 300lbs. I don’t care how he looks I just want him to live a long healthy life. My My 10 year old sister is a little larger for her age, she is perfect how she is but I don’t want her to grow up hating her body the way I have. She’s already kind of insecure, and I want the best from her. She goes to public school too and I know how those kids are. My mom is a healthy size, has some health issues. I think eating healthy would I benefit her, even though she eats fairly good.

Anyways thanks for reading this and as said before please, drop recipient or tips below. 🙃

Will try and update in maybe a week or so.