Hcg levels fluctuating?

Chelsea • Momma to Lorelai Catherine and Clementine Jean 💕

I am a mess! 😔😩 has anyone else gone through this?!?!

I thought i was pregnant, then i thought i lost the pregnancy, and now i am in limbo and I don’t know what’s happening and i am afraid to get my hopes up again!

I had an hcg quantitative test done on Monday that was 876. Then I had it again on Wednesday and it had dropped to 685. I was told by my OB that it is likely a pregnancy loss. She wanted me to get another test done today to see that it is still trending downward.

Todays test is 894. Which still isn’t doubling like it should.

I spoke with my OB after I got those results back and I was trying not to get my hopes up. She asked me if i was having any bleeding or cramping and i told her I don’t have cramping or heavy bleeding. Just some on and off light spotting.

And then she basically says that this just leaves us with a big old question mark until I can get my hcg levels tested again on Monday. If they keep trending upward, the pregnancy may be viable and continuing. She said since I am so early in the pregnancy (4 weeks) it is hard to say what’s going on because they can’t get an ultrasound until my hcg numbers are at least at 2,500.