Is it worth money

I’m think about buying this but is it worth money

Can be used when is baby older 9-10 months?

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Posted at
It was good for when baby was small. I wouldn’t use it last 6 months though. I bought a better carrier for when they got bigger.


Ja • Jan 9, 2022
I loved mine but switched to the ergo at 6m too. Maybe check marketplace on Facebook or resale shops


Posted at
I used it twice 😫 I’ve tried and tried but unless she’s sleeping when I put her in it it’s a no go. Lol. She’s never liked to be swaddled. She’s always preferred her arms to be free so she just flops back when in it. Honestly I feel like you don’t know until you try it. She lovessss her dads carrier tho.


Lauren • Jan 9, 2022
Yes! We love it. We have the carrier and the bag along with some accessories. Well worth every penny!


B • Jan 9, 2022
Did y'all get the diaper bag, too? We're looking at the combo carrier and bag now. That carrier looks amazing! 👌


Posted at
I got my moby at Ross for 20$ And a structured carrier for 20$ as well so I have two options.


Ja • Jan 12, 2022
I like the moby when breast feeding


Posted at
I didn’t have a moby, but I did have a baby k’tan and a boba wrap. I only used them for about 6 months before switching over to a structured carrier (like ergo baby style) but I will say that I was thankful I had the wrap style carriers because my second child hated structured style carriers til he was 6 months old but he would almost always calm down super fast if I put him in one of my wrap carriers during that first half year! He particularly loved the boba - which I found a pain to tie but worth it for how much it calmed him down - and freed my hands to work with my 2 year old. So to sum up, for me it is worth the expense for those first 6 months especially since neither of my children liked swings as a baby… we did a lot of carrying.


Posted at
I loved this 4 in 1 carrier for my daughter, I put her in it the first time when she was a few weeks old and used it until she was a year old. The waist strap is really long so it worked well for both my husband and I, we are both plus size.


Posted at
Moby is my LEAST favorite wrap!! My son absolutely hates it. It loosens over time and the fabric is just unforgiving as well. I’ve tried the ergo baby aura, the acrabros wrap, and the konny which us a ready wrap that I prefer over everything else. Moby is just too overrated, I wouldn’t have gotten one had I known about better options at first.


Posted at
We had this style carrier and really liked it. The boppy carrier is good from birth to 30 pounds. So it would definitely work for a baby who is 9 months old


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I had it and loved for him as a newborn until he was about 4 months, my boy is heavy so while he still fit and it worked it hurt my back. We use the baby bjorn now.