Please help ( my husband slapped me for the first time)


Please I need honest opinions. Hubby and I just had our 2nd baby, my hubbys mother came to help us. She's very nosy, overbearing, and intrusive. I'm a peaceful person so I tried to tolerate. She always want to follow us everywhere hubby and I goes to. Anyways hubby and I decided to have a getaway at my brother's house, and his mum told him she wants to come with us. I told him she can't come, maybe next time. Hubby and I got into a heated argument because of that, I told him that he should learn to stand up for his family. His mum treat me like crap and he hasn't done anything about it. He got mad and said nasty stuff about my mother. So I told him that he's a mummy's boy and he should go suck his mum breast. He asked me to repeat it, I repeated it. He charged towards me and slapped me twice and started hitting me. Of course, I fought back and I was in disbelief. His mum heard us, she came to our room and started begging us to stop. I'm legit confused on what to do next, I'm numb. He's begging and saying that I caused it because "I was disrespectful plus I fought him back, so we are both wrong". I'm legit numb, I don't know what to do.