Nap time trouble

Hey everyone, my son is 18 months old and has been giving me such a hard time with naps. He won’t nap without nursing but I’m trying to start weaning but lately he will nurse and then refuse to nap. Idk what to do. I’ve tried making him lay down until he falls asleep but it’s awful and he just ends up crying and keeps getting up and I’ve tried just not making him nap which leads to him falling asleep at like 5-7ish and waking up at 9-9:30 being all hyper and wild. How does everyone else put their toddler to sleep without a fight? I’m looking for advice that doesn’t involve nursing anymore since we’re trying to wean. It’s been so stressful so any advice would be much appreciated! It’s been taking me 1-2 hours just ti get him to fall asleep even though I know he’s exhausted! He’s also only getting one nap a day!