Labor and delivery ❤️


Hi mamas!!! My original induction date was supposed to be today!! But, Thursday night I was up all night crying in pain with contractions, took a shower and it helped for like 15 minutes. By morning they were fizzling out but I decided to go to l&d to get checked anyways, well the contractions were pretty much gone by the time I got there of course… they had me take a covid test and of course with my luck it came back positive.. so my midwife wanted to push the induction to that night, Friday. We got to the hospital around 9 and I was already having contractions (mild) and I got started on a cervical pill around 11:30 pm. I felt the contractions getting a litttttle bit stronger but not too bad and then around 1:35 AM I needed to pee and I got up and my water broke all by itself!! I got checked and I was dilated to a 3/4 and I was 90% effaced already. After that everything was kind of a blur because I was in so much pain. Eventually I was so tired and in excruciating pain so I asked for the epidural. When I was getting it he put the catheter in too far and luckily before he put any meds in I noticed I couldn’t feel anything below my boobs so we had to let the lidocaine (I think that’s what was causing the numbness) wear off and try again. The numbness was scary but I was able to rest a little but. when it wore off my contractions were so strong I was screaming and crying in pain and kept feeling like I had to poop but I couldn’t go. Eventually I was able to re do the epideral and it went perfectly and I felt amazing and was able to sleep for about an hour or so!! Then I woke up and felt lots of pressure and started feeling the contraction pain in my stomach and back really bad but didn’t feel any pain below my hips (thank god) and before I knew it I was ready to push, I pushed for about an hour or so honestly I couldn’t tell you how long it was and I kept saying I couldn’t do this because I was in so much pain (if you think this during labor trust me you can do it our bodies were made for this❤️🥰) but I was throwing up and he came out as I was about to throw up without having to push I was so shocked and suprised lol. At 2:45 on January 15 2022 our sweet baby boy came into this world. 🥺❤️ He was 8lbs 13 oz 21 in long! I didn’t tear in my vag at all only a small tear on my labia that needed a couple stitches! I have never felt this much love in my whole life. I feel so complete and so happy and proud of myself for creating such a perfect human. Also my fiancé during the whole labor and delivery WAS AMAZING!!! He was next to me the entire time helping me through every single contraction and at one point was holding both my legs for me when I was pushing lol I really couldn’t have asked for a better person to do this with. I’m so fulfilled and happy I thought I would share this story with you all because I love reading your guys birth stories as well❤️ Say hello to Ozzy Dean Valentine ❤️🖤 is