37 weeks and OVER IT - venting

This pregnancy has been so fucking rough on me. From the insane HG for more than half of it, my nana passing away, almost having to do an amniocentesis, everything being so much more painful than my first pregnancy, getting COVID at 35 weeks pregnant. I’m just so done and ready to have my baby here and be out of the office for 12 weeks. My jobs taking its toll on me with how absolutely shitty these customers are being. I’ve been pretty good at managing my emotions even through everything I’ve dealt with the last 8 months, but being this pregnant and miserable is starting to make me emotional, so the stress of work is seriously not helping. I have to work until I go into labor and I’m hoping baby makes her appearance sooner rather than later. I just want to be home cuddling with my baby and my toddler instead of dealing with all this shit.